Saturday 28 July 2012

The Statement..

Through the pages of biblical history, there seems to be one major statement the creator of all things has been trying to make. it seems to scream out loudly from every story recorded in the good book. It is something i can't help but notice.
Have you ever wondered why God created the entire universe as we know it from an empty, shapeless and dark mass? How he made the beautiful world as we know it from something not good enough to be a raw material. Remember it was empty i.e. nothing in it..and yet all the birds, the seas, the structures currently erected, human inventions even man himself and the beautiful things we see came out of this dark, empty and shapeless mass. God could have used anything else but why use this mass?
Why did God call out Abraham at age 75 to begin a walk with him... An age when most people have given up up on their lives not willing to start anything new. Why did God wait till Sarah was 90 before she be pregnant and have a child... she was way past child bearing...
Why would God choose a boy from a minority race on the earth, having no pedigree, no obvious training pass through slavery then into imprisonment and at that point when it was obviously over that God elevated him to the position of the prime minister; an office that never existed.
Why would Jesus wait for Lazarus to be dead for four days obviously dead, buried, stinking and decomposing before He would bring him back to life?
Why would Jesus die and come back to life by himself after three days?
Why would Jesus walk on water, He could have joined them on the boat?
Why would God take the vilest offender, a murder and make saint out of him?
Why does God let things get really bad before He steps in?

Each time i read the scriptures of late I just come to the conclusion that God is trying to tell the whole of creation something. and that is "With Me(God) Nothing Is Impossible". The statement seems bold and obvious to me from each story ever recorded in the good book. This in itself should form the basis of our faith and the premise of belief. It should be the paradigm with which we see everything. As I see the clouds in the sky with sun suspended up there, as the fine grains of sand meet with the vast oceans of water at the beaches, I can't help but wonder how creative the infinitely intelligent One is.

If things are really getting bad or even worse, don't fret. He is only trying to make the same statement He has been making for all ages. Let Him have the honour to make that statement with your life. It may be painful though. Just let him say "With Me(God) Nothing Is Impossible" with your life..